DosiBase® Glow Curve Checker (GCC)
DosiBase® Glow Curve Checker (GCC) is a user-friendly software for TLD glow curve screening and detection of suspicious dosimeters.
• Imported glow curves are checked against reference values of pre-set parameters.
• The appropriate reference values shall be determined by the operator.
• GCC finds and reports those curves, which are comparable to the reference values as accepted and those curves which look irregular as rejected.
• Rejected glow curves may be manually controlled by medical physicists in order to decide on how to deal with the specific TL reading.
• TL results rejected by the algorithm can be accepted manually by the operator. Accepted results may be manually rejected.
• The criteria catalogue is based on expertise and recommendations of specialists from radiation monitoring industry.
• Based on reference card readings responsible specialist has to determine a reasonable setting for each criterion.
• The software has the capacity to maintain several sets of parameters which gives users the possibility to read different types of detectors.